Going Green to Save Money

If you’re shying away from an eco-friendly lifestyle because you’re afraid it will be expensive, we’re here to tell you that there are plenty of ways to go green and save money at the same time! You don’t have to buy a hybrid car to help save the environment–check out these easy ways you can begin going green to save money:

1. Carpool

There’s no reason to pay for gas all by yourself! According to US News & World Report, Americans spend an average of $386 on gas every month. Offer to carpool to work with your colleagues and ask everyone to chip in a few dollars, or look into a car sharing service. You’ll reduce your carbon emissions and save money in the process. If you really want to go green, try taking public transportation, biking or walking to work instead.

2. Reuse Plastic Bags

You know those piles of plastic bags you end up with after grocery shopping? Reuse them! Or better yet, use paper bags, which are easily recyclable and biodegradable–or even better yet, invest in reusable bags, which can be purchased at most grocery stores. If you must use plastic, these bags are great for lining garbage cans or taking your lunch to work. Some businesses–such as Target and CVS–will give you a discount if you bring back your plastic bags and reuse them. That way they don’t sit in a landfill and you save a couple bucks.

3. Make a Home-Cooked Meal

Although store-bought pre-prepared meals are convenient, they’re also expensive–not mention that the shrink-wrapped packaging is bad for the environment. To go green, try making more preservative-free home-cooked meals. You can even grow your own miniature vegetable garden in your apartment if you really want to save money.

4. Use Less Water

Do you leave the water running while you’re brushing your teeth? Stop! There are tons of easy ways to cut down the cost of your water bill and help the environment in the process. You can go green and save money by shortening the length of your shower, installing a low-flow shower head or asking your landlord if you can install faucet aerators to conserve heat and water. Ladies should also consider turning their shower heads off while shaving their legs, as shaving wastes a collective 13 billion gallons of water each year.

5. Work from Home

To completely eliminate the pollutants that come with making the commute to the office, work from home! Although the company policy about whether or not you need to come into the office varies from business to business, even spending a few days a week working from your laptop can help you go green and save money.


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