Revamp Furniture with a Splash of Paint

If the decor of your apartment is looking a little “blah” and you’re searching for DIY furniture ideas, why not revamp a few choice items with a splash of paint? Whether you choose to keep it simple with a classic black or go bright and bold with a jewel tones like emerald or ruby red, revamping furniture is easy and way less expensive than buying entirely new items. If you’re going to revamp furniture, follow these simple how-tos:


Before applying paint to your drab wooden dresser, remove the handles and drawers and wipe everything down with a mixture of water and Murphy’s Oil Soap. Next, use medium-grit sandpaper to remove the glossy finish on the wood (no need to strip it completely bare). If you aren’t able to do this part outside, make sure to lay down a tarp or drop cloth. Before applying your paint color of choice (interior latex paint is best), you will need to cover the dresser in an oil-based primer. Use fine-grit sandpaper between every layer of paint and finish things off with a polyurethane seal.


The process of painting a wooden chair is similar to painting a dresser in that it’s important that you clean and sand the chair before you even begin to think about opening up the paint can. You can use a brush to apply the paint or opt for an aerosol can, whichever you find to be easier. If you choose to sand between coats (and you should), be sure you use a tack cloth to remove all of the sanding dust before applying the next coat of paint. After sealing the chair with polyurethane, let it dry for 48 hours before using it again.


Whether your table makes its home in your dining room or kitchen, this large piece has a chance to set the tone for your entire apartment. Painting your table is an easy way to make a flea market find look brand new. After using wood filler to repair holes and cracks, sand the table to smooth out blemishes and wipe it down with an ammonia-based cleaner. Brush on an oil-based primer and sand away remaining imperfections once it has dried. Be sure to apply at least three coats of paint in your color of choice, followed by a clear polyacrylic coat to protect it from inevitable wear and tear.


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