An Introvert’s Guide to a Soothing Apartment


Introverts are not always the stereotypical shy person who enjoys reading and avoids social situations. Some of us simply draw our energy from spending quality time alone. If you’re an introvert, your apartment should be a place where you can hunker down and peacefully recharge from the pressures of life. Here’s a short guide to creating an introvert’s soothing, happy apartment.

Decor Matters
Since your apartment will be a place you retreat to in order to replenish your energy, you’ll want your decor to help. Choose colors and items that fill you with joy, serenity or both. Make sure your lighting is soothing. You should walk into your home and immediately experience a calming feeling, so decorate with whatever is going to do that for you.

Protect Your Personal Space 
Your home is your castle so choose an end unit so you don’t feel hemmed in by neighbors.  A top floor apartment can also help with noise from above, but may mean abundant staircase encounters.  If you have a roommate, it’s critical to have personal space where you feel safe and stress-free.  Make sure your bedroom door closes securely, and – if possible – create a cozy reading nook in some corner of the apartment. If you want to keep your bedroom private from the prying eyes of guests, don’t feel bad about closing the door.

Music, Sound and Video Can Help
Soothing spa music coming from small speakers . . . a sound machine with ocean waves . . . a soothing yoga DVD . . . a pile of good books . . . any or all of these things will enhance your home, helping you recharge during your private time.

Don’t Forget the Bath
Your bathroom is another refuge, if you set it up that way. Splurge on a few bath salts, bubble baths, candles or other bath goodies. Let your roommate know you’re going to unplug in the tub, then go relax. Invest in some super soft towels and bath slippers: you’re worth it.

Make Sure Roommates are Understanding
If you have a roommate, it’s important they know that you like to spend time alone so they won’t feel insulted when you do. Equally important is letting them know if your job is emotionally stimulating, or involves lots of personal interaction: you’ll need to come home at the end of the day to relax. Your roommate should be understanding and respectful of your needs (and vice versa, of course). Some days you may not pop in to say hi and may instead go straight to your room. It isn’t anything personal, it’s just how you practice self-care. Communicate these needs.

Entertain in a Way that Works for You
Just because you’re an introvert doesn’t mean you dislike people. You’ll occasionally have guests over, but chances are, you only like to hang out with a small group of people. Think ahead on the seating arrangement, so that you’re in the spot that makes you most comfortable and everyone has a place to sit.



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