Why Sunny Apartments are Good for You

Those sunny apartments you’re considering make you feel good – but did you ever stop to think why? You’re probably already aware that if you’re outdoors, you should slap on the sunscreen and keep from burning, from getting time in the sun is actually good for your mind. That’s also true for tiime spent in a sunny apartment.

How Does It Work?

According to Healthline.com, it’s all about serotonin. Serotonin is an essential brain hormone that helps you feel happy and calm. When sunlight goes through your eye, it cues a special area in the retina which triggers the release of this positive mood-making hormone.

What Can Sunshine Do for Mood?

It’s a fact – sunshine brings on the serotonin that makes us happy. But there’s more than that. According to the Mayo Clinic, a lack of sunlight, in some people, can lead to a type of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and getting exposure to sunlight is generally the best remedy. That’s not all, though. Exposure to sunlight can also benefit those suffering from premenstrual dysphoric disorder and pregnant women with depression, as reported by the Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience (as quoted on Healthline).

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Maximizing the light in your home – including with mirrors and open curtains – can help keep your serotonin levels up AND avoid messing with your circadian rhythm (which affects sleep). Of course, a sunny apartment does all this for you without a lot of extra work or lights to simulate the sun.

Are There Any Other Benefits?

Yes – lots! And some of them are surprising. Here’s just a few…

  • It creates vitamin D. Exposure to the ultraviolet-B radiation in sunshine helps your skin to create vitamin D, important for building strong bones.
  • It can heal skin conditions. The World Health Organization suggested that sun exposure can actually help heal conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, and acne in certain people.
  • It’s being researched to treat a number of conditions. Preliminary research has suggested that there may be a potential for sunlight to help with the treatment of diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid issues or even arthritis.

So How Much Sunshine Should I Get?

The answer? It depends. Though research is still be carried out on the most beneficial times, many health organizations say that anywhere from 10-30 minutes of sun exposure should help you to reap the benefits. However, many also advise to be careful with your outdoor exposure and ensure to protect yourself with sunscreen. For example, if you easily burn, sitting outside for 30 minutes unprotected isn’t probably the best idea. Moderation is the key, and avoiding too much exposure when the sun’s rays are the most direct, generally from 10am – 4pm. When in doubt, always consult with your healthcare professional.

How are you planning on getting your sun this year? Do you find that you get a mood-boost when you’re out in the rays? Let us know on social!


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